
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Special Advertising for Hotels & Restaurants in Turkey Completely Free – Limited Offer

Special Advertising for Hotels & Restaurants in Turkey Completely Free - Limited Offer - Konya hotels - Ankara restaurants - cheap Istanbul hostel

Special Advertising for Hotels & Restaurants in Turkey Completely Free – Limited Offer – Konya – Ankara – IstanbulVAN


I am a web designer and SEO specialist (Search Engine Optimization). As part of my work, I always offer a very special offer, especially to new customers.

Today I have a special offer of free advertising in Turkiye and worldwide for one or two businesses in Turkey.

I am also a YouTuber whose channel will soon monetize, and I want to relocate my freelancing work from Malaysia to Turkey.

For this relocation, I need to reopen my Google account so that Google can send me a verification code by mail to confirm my identity and address.

To reassure you and remove any concerns, it is enough to read this page from Google’s official website to be completely sure that this request is not a scam or any other worrying method.


For more reassurance, you can ask internet cafes, computer services or IT managers and activists in Turkey for guidance to make sure.

In this regard, what steps do I want to take?

1. First, I will provide Google with a valid address in Turkey along with my name and identity information.

2. When my income reaches ten dollars, Google will mail me a package with my name and details written on it to the address I have provided. 

3. A trusted person who receives my mail will give me the code, and I will enter it in my Google account.

4. When my income reaches Google’s payment standard, I will come to Turkey to open a bank account at one of Ziraat Bank branches.

+ A good offer for businesses in Turkey

In this regard, I have a few mutually beneficial ideas for reputable individuals in Turkey. My priority is choosing a hotel or restaurant in one of the cities of Van or Konya. Van, because it is the Turkish city closest to Iran, and Konya because I am in love with Mawlana and can connect spiritually with this dear soul during my stay in Turkey. I have chosen this because I am actually Iranian and Turkey is Iran’s neighbor.

And what is my special offer?

If you are the manager/owner of a hostel or hotel in Turkey, please provide me with your address so I can register when I receive the code. Once verified, I will permanently feature a review/advertising page for your business in my websites in Farsi, English or Turkish. This means many Iranians searching online for travel information to Turkey will see your ad in Farsi and prioritize your products/services when traveling to Turkey.

However, the second offer is even better than the first, which is when my income reaches $100 and I must come to Turkey to open a bank account.

If you have a hotel, hostel or suite available for my accommodation with meals included, I can professionally design a multi-lingual website in Turkish, English, Farsi, Kurdish, French or Spanish along with organic internal links between them for standard and organic introduction to Google. This will allow English, French, Farsi and Spanish-speaking tourists to learn more about Turkey and your products/services in Turkey and prioritize you during their trip.

The quality and value of the service I design will depend on the quality of living conditions and length of stay, as well as the meal commitments.

– Limited Free Advertising Offer in Turkey

Importantly, please note that this special offer is only for one hotel in Turkey and one restaurant in Turkey. However, if you are in Turkey and want international customers, it is enough to treat me to just a Turkish coffee for $5 to learn an important secret to success in business in Turkey. Click on the text below for more information:

A Cup of Coffee for Success in Sales and Customer Acquisition in Turkey

Why is this the best advertising offer in Turkey?

Special Advertising for Hotels & Restaurants in Turkey Completely Free - Limited Offer - Konya hotels - Ankara restaurants - cheap Istanbul hostel
Special Advertising for Hotels & Restaurants in Turkey Completely Free – Limited Offer – Konya hotels – Ankara restaurants – cheap Istanbul hostel

Because you will receive a high-quality ad for free, and I will receive free accommodation with meals – a win-win! Free quality advertising means that through search engine optimization (SEO) services to properly introduce your business to Google Search, you will be seen by people searching for terms related to tourist travel to Turkey and shopping for products/services.

– Best hotel in Konya

– Hotel near the Mausoleum of Mevlana

– Restaurant near the Mausoleum of Mevlana

– Best hotel Konya

– Best restaurant Konya

– Best hotels in Konya

– Budget hostel in Konya

– Best hotel Ankara

– Best hotel Istanbul

– Best hotel Van Turkey

– Tourist attractions Turkey

– Tourist visa Turkey

– Best Advertising for Hotels and Restaurants in Turkey

Since accommodation and food are major needs of tourists visiting various cities in Turkey, you can talk to a nearby restaurant with good food quality near your hotel to promote both services together on a joint website. This will improve design quality and my living experience in Turkey.

Our collaboration will be through a contract via the Turkish embassy as I will need a work visa to enter and work in Turkey.

If interested, please message me on WhatsApp at:

Direct WhatsApp link

Your message can be in English or Turkish. My native language is Azerbaijani Turkish and if I have any trouble understanding Istanbul Turkish, I will use artificial intelligence for translation and reply to you in Istanbul Turkish as well.

Thank you for your time reading this offer.


Summary of the blog post:

Dear Business Owner in Turkey,

As a Persian-speaking website designer and active YouTuber, I can drive a lot of traffic from Iran and neighboring countries to your website and business.

If your hotel or restaurant is located in a popular tourist destination such as Van, Konya, or Istanbul, I can help you increase your traffic and sales by using social media and content marketing strategies.

If your business is located in Turkey, please contact me to learn more about our collaboration.

Do you find my ideas for advertising your business attractive?

Dear Business Owner in Turkey,

As a Persian-speaking website designer and active YouTuber, I can direct a lot of visitors from Iran and neighboring countries to your website and business.

If your hotel or restaurant is located in a famous tourist city such as Van, Konya, or Istanbul, I can use social media and content marketing strategies to increase your traffic and sales.

If your business is located in Turkey, please contact me to discuss our cooperation further.

Are my ideas for advertising your business attractive?

#Turkey #Turkiye #Konya #Van #Istanbul #Cappadocia #Efes #Pamukkale #Antalya #TravelTurkey #VisitTurkey #TurkishCuisine #TurkishCulture #TurkishHotel #TurkishRestaurant #Turizm #Otel #Restoran #MüşteriCekme #Reklam #SMM #DigerÜlkeTuristleri #FarsiTuristler #YouTube #Blogger #Influencer

– Visitor of hotels in Konya
– Facilities of hotels in Konya
– Best luxury hotel in Konya
– Hotel with scenic views in Konya
– Local restaurant in Konya
– Tourist attractions in Konya
– Mausoleum of Mevlana
– History of Konya
– Shopping in Konya’s bazaar
– Walking on the coast of Konya
– Tourist attractions in Ankara
– Best hotel in Istanbul near the Freedom Tower
– Visiting museums in Van, Turkey
– Tourist guide for Turkey

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Free Website Design offer for Hotels and Hostels in Turkey

Hotel Website Design and Google Customer Acquisition offer for Hotels and Hostels in Turkey - Free Website Design offer in Turkey

Hotel Website Design and Google Customer Acquisition offer for Hotels and Hostels in Turkey – Free Website Design offer in Turkey

I am a website designer and SEO service expert.

I always try to offer attractive deals with reasonable prices to customers who are looking for the best website design and SEO services and increase their ranking in Google search results. I now have an offer for services related to hotels and hostels in Turkey.

Are you a hotel owner in Turkey and want local and international customers?

Do you want to rank well in Google search results for the related keywords?

• Hotel in Turkey

• Best hotel in Turkey

• Hostel in Turkey

• Hotel in Istanbul

• Hotel in Ankara

Knya Hotel

Cheap hostel in konya

• Best hotel in Istanbul, Turkey

• Cheap hotel in Turkey

• Cheap hostel in Turkey

Win-win proposal for hotel and hostel website design in Turkey

And here is my special offer for you if you are a hotel manager in Turkey and looking to attract customers from Google search results:

• A professional but free website design with the implementation of internal and external SEO in Turkish and English

• Three months of free support for updating the site – updating plugins, database, and site security, as well as site support from SEO perspective in Google

Cost of hotel and hostel website design in Turkey

Hotel Website Design and Google Customer Acquisition offer for Hotels and Hostels in Turkey - Free Website Design offer in Turkey
SEO Webdesign in Turkey

But the question is, how much do you pay as a hotel manager in Turkey for website design and SEO?

In fact, website design and SEO for hotels and hostels are completely free and you do not pay anything.

All you have to do is provide these services:

• Three months of free accommodation in a single room with one meal for one person

I have been to Turkey about 5-6 times before and this time I want to come to this beautiful country to renew my memories and visit the tourist attractions of Turkey again. I am looking for only one hotel or hostel to implement this offer.

For more information, please send an email to this Yahoo email address: mmd.name

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