#Money laundering at #Binance, the largest #crypto #exchange for #Bitcoin and various cryptos
Based on the agreement between Changpeng Zhao, the #director and #founder of Binance, and the U.S. Department of Justice, this #Chinese #billionaire will pay $4.3 billion without going through trial procedures to prove the crime, to close his case regarding violations of U.S. anti-money laundering laws.
In the aftermath of this news, #Bitcoin saw a small drop in price today and the #crypto #markets must brace for the long-term impact of this economic blow. Furthermore, based on this agreement, the #Binance #director is also set to step down from his position. It remains to be seen whether the new Binance director can maintain Changpeng Zhao’s innovations, minus his alleged economic offenses.
A joint press briefing is scheduled to take place on Tuesday by the U.S. Ministries of Justice and Treasury, as well as the Financial Markets Regulatory Agency (#SEC), which will focus on “legal actions related to cryptos,” which will undoubtedly see changes in the crypto markets again after this briefing, likely containing more negative news.
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