Viva Azerbaijan culture and Azeri Music


Viva Azerbaijan culture and Traditional Azeri Music – A-Trio-Ay lolo

I believe the music is the base culture of a country. I think music has better effect than words, Because it talks with the hearts.

If a couple needs to long time love relationship need to have a same music as a favorite. Music makes beautiful memory for our best times.

Listen to the music is able to take back us to the beautiful memory!

A-Trio-Ay lolo

Please listen to this Azeri music. I fount it accidentally on a Azerbaijan TV. then Search it on Google and Youtube.

My parent (Ana & Ata) are Azeri. I am able to understand the most words of the lyrics. But I don’t understand some other words like Lolo

Lolo means Ana (Nana, Mother) ?

This video music is about 8 years ago but always is fresh. you can not imagine this video clip how much was good for me and made good feel.

Song : Sinnerman
Artist: Nina Simone
Writers: Nina Simone
Licensed to YouTube by
UMG (on behalf of Verve); Muserk Rights Management, CMRRA, UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA – UBEM, EMI Music Publishing, LatinAutor – Warner Chappell, Warner Chappell, PEDL, ASCAP, SOLAR Music Rights Management, LatinAutor, and 15 Music Rights Societies

I am their fan

During of my search I found that .az domain is not popular in Azeri companies and artists.

az is the official domain extension or the internet country code top level domain of Azerbaijan. It was introduced in 1993 and was intended for entities affiliated with Azerbaijan. Registration is available to the general public.

they used Social networks pages a an official and first choice, meanwhile an official is most important than a social networking page!

some comments about this video music:

  • İşte gerçek müzisyenler. ? İnsanlar müzikten anlamadığı için malesef bu tür kaliteli çalışmaların dinlenme oranı düşük oluyor. Türkiye’den kucak dolusu selamlar ????
  • Ah o iller netez kecdii klipler baxmaq ucun televizorun qabaginnan hec ara getmirdik pult elimizdee ahh ne tez boyuduk
  • Men buna 8 il evvvel baxmisdim hayif o usaqliq o usaqliq
  • O zirək qız da o vedreden bu vedreye su tökur guyə iş görür də
  • tesadüfen bir yerden dinledıgım bu parcanın hayranı oldum ben ve diğer müzisyen arkdslarım basarılarının devamını diler ve yeni parcalarını umarım dinleriz…
  • ne qeder guldum ala….)))
  • Super , Allah istedadlı gənclərimizi saxlasın
  • ?????çox gözəl ifadır!! Aranjeman?
  • Interesno poslushat tex komu eto ne ponravilos!!! Prekraniy vokal, aranjirovka i razbivka golosov velikolepnoye,  glavnoye s bolshim vkusom !!!!

Viva Azerbaijan culture
Beautiful (guzal) baku
Our yesterday Compatriot and today dear Neighbor

Baku (/bəˈkuː, bɑːˈkuː, ˈbɑːkuː, ˈbækuː/;[6] Azerbaijani: Bakı, IPA: [bɑˈcɯ]) is the capital and largest city of Azerbaijan, as well as the largest city on the Caspian Sea and of the Caucasus region. Baku is located 28 metres (92 ft) below sea level, which makes it the lowest lying national capital in the world and also the largest city in the world located below sea level. Baku lies on the southern shore of the Absheron Peninsula, alongside the Bay of Baku. At the beginning of 2009, Baku’s urban population was estimated at just over two million people. Officially, about 25% of all inhabitants of the country live in Baku’s metropolitan area. Baku is the sole metropolis in Azerbaijan.
Baku is divided into twelve administrative raions and 48 townships. Among these are the townships on the islands of the Baku Archipelago, and the town of Oil Rocks built on stilts in the Caspian Sea, 60 kilometres (37 miles) away from Baku. The Inner City of Baku, along with the Shirvanshah’s Palace and Maiden Tower, were inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000. According to the Lonely Planet’s ranking, Baku is also among the world’s top ten destinations for urban nightlife.


Bakı şəhərində və Abşeron yarımadasında insanlar çox qədim zamanlardan məskunlaşmış və burada yaşayış məntəqələri yaratmışlar. Buna səbəb Bakı şəhərinin fiziki-coğrafi şəraiti şimaldan-cənuba, qərbdən-şərqə gedən miqrasiya və ticarət yollarının kəsişməsi mərkəzində yerləşməsi, iqlim şəraiti və ən qədim zamanlardan yer üzünə çıxan nafta adlanan yanacaq və enerji sərvəti olmuşdur.[3] Abşeron ərazisində tapılmış arxeoloji materiallar Bakının qədim yaşayış məskəni olduğunu sübut edir.[3] Pirallahı, Zığ gölü ətrafı, Şüvəlan, Mərdəkan, Əmircan və s. yerlərdə e. ə. III-I-ci minilliklərə aid arxeoloji materiallar tapılmışdır.[3] Bakının salındığı tarix dəqiq məlum deyildir.[3]

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